For information on how you can get involved in one of these campaigns, send an e-mail to or sign up for our e-mail updates.
Finish 4th Avenue
As part of its Great Streets program, the city government introduced several radical changes several miles of 4th Avenue through Park Slope and Sunset Park to increase safety and make the avenue an appealing city boulevard rather than a high-speed freeway. Car lanes were removed, pedestrian crossing distances were shortened. And in a new twist, the city will be bringing protected bike lanes to 4th Avenue, starting in 2018.
But none of these changes are currently expected in Bay Ridge – the Great Streets project is only looking at 4th Avenue north of 65th Street. We believe it is time for the city to finish what it started, and Finish 4th Avenue — with reduced car lanes, shortened pedestrian crossings, and protected bicycle lanes — all the way through Bay Ridge.
Sign the petition to Finish Fourth Avenue!
Pedestrian & Bike Lane on the Verrazzano
The Verrazzano Bridge has no pedestrian walkway of any sort — a true monument to shortsightedness and selfishness of Robert Moses. Cyclists are forced to use racks mounted to the front of the S53 and S93 buses to get across the bridge. The maximum capacity is two bikes at a time, and frequency varies throughout the day. It is time for the MTA to rectify the 54-year-old design flaw in the Verrazano and create a pedestrian-and-bike path that is the missing link in The Harbor Ring.